A new species of the genus Chremis/ica Stal, from Vietnam, Chremis/ica sueuri sp. n. was described and illustrated. Habitus pictures of the adult, illustrations of the male genitalia, a distribution map and biological data are provided. A key to two species of Chremis/ica from Vietnam, based on the males, was also given. Chremistica sueuri sp.n. was a species of the Chremis/ica bimaculala group. The new species was distinguishable from all other species of the group by the structure of pygofer. Pygofer oblong in ventral view, dorsally marked with black, and sparsely covered with ochraceous hairs along proximal and laterodistal margins
basal lobe of pygofer S-shaped with apex slightly prominent, upper lobe of pygofer in ventral view with a broad and straight apical margin
a narrowly rounded, slightly inwardly curved, mediodistal comer, and an obtusely angled comer between apical margin of lobe and more distal pygofer margin
uncus bifurcate, lobes elongate and acute apically
dorsal beak acute, brownish black
anal styles and anal tube dark brown.