A series of composite samples of (100-x)La0.7Sr0.3Mn03[LSMO]/xBaTiO3[BTO] (x = 0.5 percent, 1 percent, 3 percent,6 percent,9 percent, 12 percent, 15 percent, 18 percent, in wt percent) was manufactured by solid-state reaction combined with hight energy ball- milling. The result of analyzing X-ray diffraction patterns shows that they are single phase and there is no inter-diffusion between the LSMO and BTO phases. Metal-Insulator transition temperature (Tp) strongly decreases from 300K to 65 K when x increases from 0 percent to 18 percent whereas paramagnetic - ferromagnetic transition temperature Tc remains unchanged as same as the starting LSMO material. An isolated ferromagnetic state of the composite material was observed in a wide range of temperature. The DE based magnetoresistance and low-field tunneling magnetoresistance in dependence on BTO concentration as well as in dependence on temperature were estimated apd analyzed in details.