Nowadays, the trend of transforming from the deep paddy fields which are impossibly cultivated or offer low-productivity into marine product nourishment is being implemented in various areas. The supply of water for ponds mainly depends on inside-paddy channels that serve the purpose of agricultural development. The quality of water resource from the combined channel system often exposes low quality and do not support aquatic production due to the effect of chemicals utilized in the cultivation process. Moreover, the mechanism of water renewal of ponds completely depend on the pump regime of pump houses that is not suitable for the water-renewing cycle of the pond triggering negative influences on the marine product-rearing productivity. Thus, the solution of employing the quality and quantity-guaranteed water resources to provide for cultivation ponds following the right procedure is very essential, In the scope of this report, the author will introduce the manner of using underground water to replace water from irrigation channel system coordinating with supply for aquatic product-rearing ponds, parallel to judging the efficiency of the investment in experimental model as well as the construction process.