The study aimed to describe the relationship between body mass index and some of chronic diseases in the elderly in Central Institute of Gerontology. Cross-sectional descriptive study design on 200 patients over 60 years old. Assess nutritional status by body mass index (BMI), disease status according to the WHO and ICD 1 0 and blood lipid disorder classified by Gibson RS. The results showed that: The rate of cardiovascular disease in normal and obesity groups were higher in chronic energy deficiency group, the chronic energy deficiency group had the rate of respiratory disease were higher than normal and overweight -obese group. The difference is statistically significant (p 0,05). The serum lipid values were increased with the increase of BMI (particularly HDL-C, lower). Values of total cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL-C average in overweightobese group were higher than normal group and chronic energy deficiency (p 0.05).