The design RCB has been used in this research to detennine interactive effection of supplemental rate and materials of Ca and Mg nutritions, diminished rate of P and K nutritions, supplemental rate of Zn and B nutritions for flue cured tobacco quality at Bac Giang in 2012. The results in this study has. been -following abstracts: Zn is a micro-nutrient factor being unable to improve quality of flue cured tobacco at Bac Giang. Supplementing Ca, Mg and B nutritions obviously improved not only the quality of tobacco material (Average grade Cl+2 was extra 6.5 percent
average mark of aroma was extra 0.8
average mark of tast was extra 0.7) and rose significantly but also tobacco leaves yield (outturns by 11 percent on average vs control). Nutrient regime promising improvement for the material of flue cured tobacco at Bac Giang as following: Liming (2 ton CaO/ ha) amending the soil in combination with application offertilizer rate 70 N + 90 P2O5+ 140 K2O + 60 Mg + 2.5 B (kg/ ha).