The genus Zantedeschia, commonly known as the arum or Calla lily, is indigenous to Africa. This is one of the most popular cut flower crops all over the world, and there are numerous available Calla lily cultivars and hybrids in market. Commercially, Calla lily is propagated through offsets and tuber division. However, the conventional method offield-grown tuber division gave low multiplication coefficient
in addition, this leads to soft rot caused by erwinia infection though wounding. In this study, a method for Zantedeschia sp. propagation using shoot tip proliferation is presented. Aseptic culture of calla lily was established from rhizome-bud explants. Surface-sterilization in HgCl2 1 percent solution for 10 minutes was shown to be appropriate (survival rate of 53.3 percent). Highest shoot formation rate (7.2 shoots/explant) was archieved on MS medium containing 4.0 mg.rl BA and 0.5 mg.rl NAA. MS medium supplemented with 1.5 mg.rl KIN was found to be suitable for shoot elongation. Half-strength MS medium with 0.5 mg.rl NAA and 1 g.r1 activated charcoill was shown to be optimal for in vitro rooting (4.5 roots/shoot). One month old plantlets were successfully transferred to greenhouse for acclimatization, especially as they were grown on the substratum consisting of soil and sand at the ratio of 2:1 (survival rate of 95 percent).