In the last 20 years receiving ODA, the total ODA mobilized fund in the agricultural and rural development sector is about 5.5 billions USD, accounting for 7-8 percent of the total national ODA. ODA have had actively impact on the whole sector and significantly improved and changed the face of agriculture and rural. Of which, the water resource area has the highest percentage as 45 percent of the total, agriculture is the second with 21 percent, then rural development is 15 percent, forestry is 15 percent, and the lowest is the fishery with 4 percent. Among donors, ABD is the biggest with 25.8 percent (about 1.6 billions USD), WB is the second as 25.3 percent (1.55 billion USD), then JIBIC/JICA is 8.9 percent, DANIDA is 4.6 percent, AUSAID is 4.3 percent and others are about 2-3 percent. ADB, the authors and JICA/JIBIC mainly focus on loan projects, while others are on development cooperation programmes, capacity building under non-refund projects. Over analysis and accessment, this paper tried to address limitations and backward during this period in the agriculture and rural development sector, then recommended solutions to improve and complete acencies' pactises and management in the context Vietnam overpassed a low middle-imcome level.