This study showed the differentiation of nutrition related factors (weight loss, food intake change, stomach - Intestinal symptoms, physical function, loss of subcutaneous fat, edema, ascites) of normal nutrtition and malnutrition groups of hospitalized patients by anthropomestric method. A cross sectional study conducted from February to April 2012 in 411 patients hospitalized within 24 hours in the Hospital No.198 showed that the at risk indicators of malnutrition of malnourrished patients were higher than those of welnourished patients and obesity patients. The percentage of unintentional weight loss 5 percent during the last 6 months of the malnourished patients was 16.1 percent and was twice higher than that of the wellnourished patients (7.4 percent
p 0.05). The percentage of bed-ridden patients was 37.5 percent, and was higher than that of the well nourished patients (15.4 percent) and obese patients (11.6 percent) (p 0.01). The percentage of loss of fat mass and muscle mass of the malnourished patients was 22.6 percent and 6.5 percent respectively, and was higher than that of the wellnourished patients (8.9 percent and 4.1 percent) and the obese patients (2.7 percent and 0.9 percent) (p 0.05).