Spenn DNA is being recognized as an important measure of fertilizing efficiency when nonnal results of semen analysis can not exclude men from the causes of couple infertility. Nonnal spenn genomic material is required for a nonnal fertilization, pregnancy, live birth and postnatal child well being. Abhonnal DNA can lead to derangements in any of these processes. The abnonnality or deJect in the genomic material may take the form of condensation or nuclear maturity defects, DNA breaks or DNA integrity defects and spenn chromosomal aneuploidy. Current studies have showed that abnonnal structure genomic of sperm causes 20 percent cases of male infertility. Spenn DNA damage may be attributed to abnonnal chromatin packaging, oxidative stress or poor DNA integrity. "Spenn chromatin integrity" has direct positive correlation with Assisted Reproductive Techniques (ART) outcome including: fertilization rate, embryo quality, pregnancy and live birth rate. It seems that spenn chromatin integrity provides better diagnosis and prognosis approaches than standard semen parameters. Numerous techniques have applied for their evaluation playing an important role in diagnosis and treatment of male integrity. This review article provides current knowledge on spenn DNA fragmentation including origins, assessment and effects on human fertility.