Esential oil yield from Asarum ba/ancae leaves, roots and stems was 0.02 percent (by air dry material). Essential oil was analyzed by GC/MS and 18 components of esential oil were identified. Major component were eIemicine (71.53 percent) and trans isoelemicine (19.85 percent). Esential oil yield from Asarum yunnanense leaves, stem and roots was 0.16 percent (by air dry material). Essential oil was analyzed by GC/MS and 33 components of esential oil were identified. Major component were E-methyl isoeugenol (47.39 percent), Cis-beta-elemene (5.94 percent), bicyclogennacrene (4.58 percent), Myristicine (4.26 percent) and o-elemene (4.90 percent). Esential oil yield from Asarum pete/olii leaves, stem and roots was 0.002 percent (by air dry material). Essential oil was analyzed by GC/MS and 25 components of esential oil werc identified. Major component were myristicine (59.06 percent) and dilapiole (17.67 percent). Esential oil yield from Asarum cordifolium leaves, roots and stems was 0.22 percent (by air dry material). Essential oil was analyzed by GC/MS and 26 components of esential oil were identified. Major component were elemicine (84.38 percent) and methyl eugenol (3.63 percent).