The authors conducted the experiment of IPVs with aluminum hydroxide on the Macaca mulatta monkeys to evaluate the safety and immunogenicity of vaccines from different antigen concentrations to find out the optimal dose of imunization. Three different antigen concentration for each polio virus type such as 3:5: 10
10:20:40 Dunit (Du) were formulated. 5 monkeys in each vaccine group were hypodemic injected three doses with 1 month interval. Other five monkeys were observed as a negative control group. The results show that: All monkeys were live, healthy, increased weight. With formula of 3:5:10 Du, the seroconversion rate is 100 percent
100 percent and 80 percent against poliotyps 1,2 and 3, respectively. However antibody titre of type 2 was lowest. With formulation of 3: 10: 10, the seroconversion rate were equivalent with 3:5:10 Du, and antibody titre of type 2 was high as 2 others. With formula of 5:10:20 and 10:20:40,100 percent monkeys had antibody responsed with high titre just only after 2 doses and get highest after 3 doses. The experimental study showed that SIPV is safety and high immunogenicity. The optimum dose is 3:10:10 in D antigen unit for type 1:2:3, respectively, much more lower than 3: 100: 100 Du of previous study.