Mangrove forest in Vietnam is mainly located in the southwest. This is very valuable forest, is being classified by UN as a biosphere reserve of the world. Due to the vegetation and weather, the risk of forest fire is very high. In 2002, about 5000 hectares of mangrove forest lost because of fire. Currently, mangrove forest fire fighting work is done mostly by using hand carried water pumps that have low portability and efficiency of forest fire fighting. The state level main project KC07.13/06-10 has established a theoretical basis of stability calculation of forest fire fighting boat in special activity cases: people and equipments are at a same side
the boat move from canal to another canal
the boat rotate and move to perpendicular canal
equipments in boat works. The research has applied theory of stability calculation into designing and manufacturing a mangrove forest fire fighting boat. The test results show that the boat has high mobility, rapid access to fire places and stability in all operation cases of boat.