Background: The study was conducted at Dak Glong district, Dak Nong province, where there have been a lot of migrant communities comingfrom Northern provinces, Vietnam. Objectives: The objectives were to determine the proportion of malaria injection, the species and density of Anopheles at migrant communities. The study methods: The cross-sectional study design. Results: The results of the baseline survey showed that the malaria infection proportion at migrant population in Dak Glong was 8.14 percent
95 percent CI: 6.41-10.28. P. falciparum was a dominant species with 83.58 percent among malaria parasite structure. There was the presence of 2 main vectors: An. minimus and An. Dirus. An. minimus bit human from 7-8 pm, lasting to 2-3 am in the next day, highest density at 10-11pm. An.dirus also bit humanfrom 7-8 pm, lasting to 2-3 am in the next day, highest density at 10-11pm. Recommendation: The research recommends that it is necessary to apply health education and training to community health workers in order to reduce malaria mortality and morbidity.