The Khmer has lived for a long time in southern Vietnam. Being residents of agriculture, to adapt to the agricultural economy in small scale, the Khmer incorporated as the residential units and established two self-governing institutions called as "phum" and "soc". For living in isolated places for a long time, differentiating between classes not profoundly, the spirit of the community heightened. and democracy and equality among members in "phum" and "soc" respected, The management of "phum" and "soc., was held on the basis of selfgoverning with many clements of the democratic commune. In addition. when living in southern Vietnam. the Khmer brought .Theravada. prevailing from the 13th century, along with them. There, Theravada has just satisfied people's spiritual needs, just as the factor consolidated every member. Cultural factors of rural residents combined with elements of Buddhist culture not only influenced on cultural activities. but also stamped in the traditional self-government. all of which created social characteristics of the Khmer in the countryside of southern:Vietnam. Though the variations of history, these characteristics still have influences at present.