The patulous eustachian tube, the first described by Schwartze (1864). It is one of the most commonly misdiagnosed conditions in otology. Patients are frequently treated for blocked ear tube when, in fact, they have abnormal patency of the tubes. Treatment by in jection Teflon paste into the peritubal tissues, while meeting with some success has been discaded because of the risk of injecting the material into the artery. Another treatment has been tried and found unsuccesful. Objectives: 11 cases surfered from the patulous eustachian tube. Methods: To study the clinical symptoms and functions of the ear tube after the fat injection for patulous eustachian tube. Results: The symptoms consist of sensation of stuffiness in the ear, autophony, tinitus, and transmitions of respiratory noises to the ear of patulous eustachian tube. These symptoms were disappeared after three days of fat injection. Conclusion: This is a simple and successful technique without risk.