Objective: Describe some of the clinical and subclinical characteristics of gastric submucosal tumor was surgically treated in Hanoi Medical University hospital. Subjects and Methods: Retrospective study combined all prospective patients was treated by surgery at Hanoi Medical University hospital between August, 2008 - August, 2013. Results: 56 patients eligible for the study, the patient age were between 14 and 79 years old, the rate of patients in the working age was of 76.8 percent. The percentage of male I female was approximately equal to 1. Patients those were accidentally discovered presented at 20 percent, the abdominal pain was the main symptom accounted for 55.4 percent, endoscopic ultrasound was the highest accuracy ciiagnostic with the typical findings for 87.5 percent. Group Stromal tumors accounted for the highest percentage with 55.4 percent (in this type of tumor, the majority was of the stindle celis), and followed by lymphoma group with 17.9 percent.