People with motor disabilities are disabled by spinal cord injury, loss or damage of limbs, diseases and cogenital conditions, which affect grip, movement, moving, lying, sitting to standing. The research was assessed to determine the extent of motor disabilities to specific measures for the prevention and facilitate for them integrate into the community by the crosssectional descriptive study design. Direct interview was conducted with 198 children with motor disabilities using the pre-designed questionnaire. The result showed neurological motor disabilities accounted for 70.2 percent
of which motor disabilities in cerebral palsy group accounted for 55.3 percent. Cause major motor disabilities at birth (75.3 percent). The degree of motor disabilities: level 2 was 64.6 percent
level 1 was 30.9 percent and level 0 was 4.5 percent. Under 5 age group had level 2 of disability was 79.8 percent.