The experiment studied the effect of density and row-spacing on the growth, development, yield and quality of sticky hybrid maize HN88 in Thai Nguyen in Spring 2014. The experiment included 5 treatments of density: Treatment 1 (50 cm x 30 cm
67,000 plants/ha), treatment 2 (50 cm x 35 cm
57,000 plants/ha), treatment 3 (60 cm x 30 cm
56,000 plants/ha), treatment 4 (60 cm x 25 cm
67,000 plants/ha), treatment 5 (70 cm x 25 cm
57,000 plants/ha). Experimentai results showed that the growth duration of sticky hybrid maize HN88 through the studied density ranged from 105 - 107 days, the density did not affect to the growth duration of sticky hybrid maize HN88
distance also did not affect to the morphology (plant height, making-corncob height and ntimber of leaves on com plants) of sticky hybrid maize HN88 (no significant differences). The density of 67,000 plants/ha (treatment 1 and 4) had the highest leaf area index (LAI)
all densities were infected by pests, whereas treatment 1 (50 cm x 30 cm
67,000 plants/ha) and treatment 4 (60 cm x 25 cm
67,000 plants/ha) had the lowest pest inffection and highest falling-resistant ability. The higest actual yield belonged to the row-spacing of 50 cm x 30 cm
67,000 plants/ha and 60 cm x 25 cm
67,000 plants/ha (32.5 quintal/ha and 30.8 quintal/ha, respectively), significantly higher than the control at the 95 percent confidence level. The density of different distances did not largely affect to the quality of sticky hybrid maize HN88.