A cross-sectional study was conducted in 235 staffs and lecturers of some universities in Hanoi. The results found that the participation of stakeholders such as lecturers and students were limited
the proportion of students, staffs, lecturers, heads of function department
heads of faculties and Party Organization participating in university governance were 0,0+8,8 percent
0,08+21,8 percent
9,0+29,3 percent
32,2+52,4 percent
56,3+63,2 percent and 85,2+93,5 percent, respectively. The study recommended that in short-term, university board should be established according to regulations
then, related components should be encouraged to participate in university govemance. In long-term, shared govemance should be applied regarding to actual conditions of medical university in general and School of Medicine and Pharmacy, Vietnam National University in particular.