The present study aimed to estimate the effects of cold treatment on growth of 73 chromosome segment subtitution lines (CSSLs) of rice developed from the cross between Indica IR24 and Japonica Asominori. The experiment was conducted in two plant growth chambers (capacity: 300 litters) with different temperature conditions: 13°C (cold stress treatment) and 28°C (control temperature). Seeds of 73 genotypes were gerl\linated in cold stress and control temperature conditions in 7 days and then cold recovery was done in nonrnal condition (28°C) for 3 days. All growth parameters such as coleoptile and radicle were lower under cold treatment than those under control condition. The results showed that cold stress reduced radicle length from 55 to 100 percent and coleoptile length from 82 to 100 percent and dry mater accumulation more than 60 percent. A close relationship was found between dry matter accumulation of coleoptile and cold tolerance. Ten potential lines were selected namely IAS 17: IAS 19, IAS 66, IAS 72, IAS 5, IAS 30, IAS 23, IAS 21, IAS 2 and IAS 26 which could be used as materials for rice breeding.