At present, research concerns have raised about synergistic effects of numerous environmental endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs). To extend the previous studies, the authors measured additional potential interactions among bisphenol A, 4-nonylphenol, 4-tert octylphenol and isobutylparaben in mouse models. Pregnant Swissalbino mice were treated with the binary combined chemicals from gestation day (GD) 1 to 21. Interestingly, maternal exposure to these combined EDCs caused fluctuation in GD time, live ratio, female/ male ratio, body and organ weights of mouse offspring at postnatal day (PND) l, 21, 41, and especially in vaginal open day changes. The potential effects of synergic estrogenicity detected in histopathological abnormities, namely the ovary analysis revealed an increase of corpora lutea, cystic follicles, and an endometrial hypertrophy and morphometric changes of uteri measurement. Taken together, these results provided an adding insight into the synergistic effects of EDCs toxicology on reproductive tracts.