In the former paper (Noguchi et al. in J. Math. Pures Appl. 88:293-306, 2007) the authors proved an algebraic degeneracy of entire holomorphic curves into a variety X which carries a finite morphism to a semi-abelian variety, but which is not isomorphic to a semiabelian variety by itself. The finiteness condition of the morphism is necessary in general by example. In this paper the authors improve that finiteness condition under an assumption such that some open subset of non-singular points of X is of log-general type, and simplify the proof in (Noguchi et al. in J. Math. Pures Appl. 88:293-306, 2007), which was rather involved. As a corollary it implies that every entire holomorphic curve f : C --V into an algebraic variety V with q(V) or = dim V = k(V) is algebraically degenerate, which is due to Winkelmann (dim V = 2) (Winkelmann in Ann. Inst. Fourier 61:1517-1537,2011) and Lu-Winkelmann (Lu and Winkelmann in Forum Math. 24:399-418, 2012).