Studied technical methods had some correlation with the growth, development, yield and yield factors of Tieu Hong in vitro banana variety. The research results showed that the best fertilizer combination for Tieu Hong banana variety was 240 N + 60 P2O5 + 480 K2O g/plant
best plant density was 2,500 plant/ha (2.0 x 2.0 m) and best method for retaining humidity was using gel seeds. At this fertilizer combination, Tieu Hong banana plants had the highest yield of 51.7 ton/ha and net profit (compared to the control) was 51.33 million VND/ha. Using gel seeds to retaining humidity gave the highest yield of 49.44 ton/ha, net interest increased 24.721 million VND/ha (compared to the control). The density plant of 2,500 plant/ha (2.0 x 2.0 m) had the highest yield of 43.7 tan/ha and net profit of 143.25 million VND/ha.