This study aims to evaluate the possibility to produce germinated rough rice and compare the difference in physical properties, chemical compositions and bioactive compounds of these 2 kinds of germinated rice. The result showed that the concentration of protein, reduce sugar and vitamin Bl in germinated rough rice were significantly higher than those of germinated brown rice. Especially, the total phenolic compounds and GABA in germinated rough rice were much higher than those of germinated brown rice, proving that the germinated rough rice possesses higher bioactive compounds that bring the benefits to consumer's health. In addition, there were no significant difference in the gelatinization degree, gel consistency, the concentration of lipid and carbohydrate between germinated rough rice and germinated brown rice. However, the unbroken rice ratio after milling of germinated rough rice was higher than that of germianated brown rice. The products could assure the microbial quality and were not contaminated with aflatoxin, so it was safe for human consumption.