The result of analysis of 2,526 amphibian specimens currently conservated at the Biological Museum, Hanoi University of Science (VNU) has identified 78 species belonging to 35 genus, 10 families, 3 orders accounting for 35.5 percent (78 over 220) of the total number of amphibian species recorded in Vietnam as of June 2014. This study has added 21 new species with 122 speciments for amphibian collection in the museum. Among them, there are 14 species listed in the IUCN Red list (2014), 11 species listed in Vietnam Red Data Book (2007) and 01 species listed in Annex IIB of Decree 32/2006/ND-CP of the Government (2006). Biological Museum have paratype of 4 species, notably Chapa frog - Babina chapaensis, a new species published by Bourret, being kept at the Museum since 1937. In addition, there are some specimens of the new amphibian species to science were discovered in recent years in Vietnam such as Quyet's treefrog Gracixalus quyeti, Orlov's treefrog - Rhacophoros orlovi, Kio's treefrog - Rhacophoros kio with high scientific value for research and teaching. Regarding the quality of the current patterns of amphibians conservated in the museum, 70.2 percent of the specimens are of good quality, 13.7 percent are of medium quality and the remaining 16.1 percent are of poor quality. In the future, appart from additional investment diversity of the specimens, it is also necessary for the museum to invest in technology and infrastructure for better quality of specimen preservation.