There was determined Trypanosoma specie by the molecular biotechnology causing the Trypanosomiasis in bovines in 6 investigated provinces, the results was Trypanosoma evansi specie. T. evansi was isolated from bovines and infected for five equines (2 equines in the control group), the results were shown: T. evansi appearence in the blood was earliest from 7 days and latest from 9 days. All of 5 equines have clearly clinical signs, earliest appearance was from 12 days and latest from 17 days. T. evansi infected equines have some difference in the hematological indicators in compare with the control equines. Applying the necropsy for the infected equines, the proportion of lesional organs was representative from 20 percent to 100 percent. The control equines were not encountered the same clinical signs and lesions in the necropsy.