Background and aim: Nowaday alcohol abuse, alcoholism are increasing ominously in the community. The study determine the rate of alcohol use and abuse in persons aged 15 years or older at Dak Mil district, Dak Nong, learn a number of factors related to the situation. Study design and setting: the study was designed as a cross sectional description from 4/2012 to 9/2013, Dak Mil district - Dak Nong, Vietnam. Subjects: 672 people aged 15 years and older, corresponding to 355 households. Main results: The rate of use and abuse I alcoholism in people over 15 years old: people over 15 years of alcohol user was 52,5 percent, 9,8 percent among them is alcohol abuser and 5,3 percent is alcoholism, households with alcohol user was 58.5 percent, among them 20,8 percent was alcohol abuser, 10,7 percent was alcoholism. A number of factors related to the alcohol users and alcohol abusers: Regarding gender: male ratio at alcohol user was 84.2 percent, alcohol abuser was 17.5 percent in men. Related to age: age starting aicohol users14 (4.4 percent), alcohol use is the highest at group 30-39 (57.4 percent) and lowest in the group 20 (30.0 percent -p 0.01). Alcohol abuse highest at age ranged 50-59 years old (13.4 percent). In relation to ethnici: alcohol using ratio of the Kinh, the Mnong and others ethnics were respectively 53.8 percent 44.4 percent and 48.1 percent with p 0.05. Related to job: alcohol using ratio of occupation such as officers, traders, students/pupils, craftsmen, other occupations respectively: 52.3 percent
58.6 percent
49.2 percent
30.4 percent
84.8 percent and 52.4 percent Regarding education: illiterate people have the highest rate of alcohol abuse 21.8 percent compared to others groups with p 0.05. The relationship bebV,een the state of alcohol use, alcohol abuse and accident, sickness: Alcohol abusing group rate was higher in traffic accidents, injuries, heart disease, gout, diabetes, inflammation and alcoholic cirrhosis than those in the group without alcohol abuse. Conclusion: the alcohol use and alcohol abuse locally is alarming, long-term policies are needed to control, repel and control effectively.