Objective of this study aims to establish appropriate measures in order to raise the nicotine content, while to decrease the reducing sugar in flue-cured tobacco material at Bac Kan province. In Spring 2021 in Bac Kan province, the field trial was performed in SSPD (with three replications) in order to investigate two cultivars (GL7 and D65) in combination with two fertilizer formulas (60 N (:) 75 P2O5( )(:) 120 K2O kg/ha and 70 N(:) 50 P2O5( )(:) 140 K2O (:) 2B kg/ha) and two treaments of the harvestable leaves technical calibration per plant (calibrating 26 harvestable leaves/plant, from a lowest commercialable leaf to the twenty sixth leaf of stalk upper
the application of de - lugging measure(:) the removal of two lowermost commercialable leaves per plant, calibrating 24 harvestable leaves/plant). The trial has resulted in the planting cultivar D65, application of an offered new fertilizer formula and the delug measure, all have increased content of nicotine and reducing sugar of tobacco material in Bac Kan area. Besides, planting cultivar D65 had got the proportion of grades 1+2 higher than that of cultivar GL7 or application of the de - lugging measure had improved considerable mark of aroma and taste measure of tobacco material.