A prospective descriptive study was carried out on 195 TBI patients undergoing surgery to describe the outcome of post-operative care after TBI at Viet Duc Hospital in 2022. Result(:) After surgery 6 hours, the rate of patients requiring mechanical ventilation was 25.6%, using ambu was 2.1%. At the 2nd postoperative day and discharge day, only 4.0% and 4.3% of patients with ventilator, the difference was statistically significant with p và lt
0.001. After surgery, most patients have a clear airway. After surgery, most patients were fully monitored for breathing. Consciousness monitoring(:) At the 2nd postoperative day and discharge day, the proportion of patients with GCS score of 3-8 points decreased to 0%( )and the proportion of patients with GCS score of 13-15 points increased to 91.5% and 90 .9% (p và lt
0.001)., Most of the patients were followed up with enough value at 6 hours after surgery, the first day, the 2nd postoperative day and discharge day. The majority of patients were monitored for pulse and blood pressure adequately (over 90%). Incision care(:) The rate of dry incisions reaches 100%. Regarding the dressing compliance, at the first day after surgery, 67.7% of patients were changed, 32.3% of patients were not.The majority of patients after TBI surgery were well cared.