( )is estimated that about 7 million people around the world die from exposure to air pollution every year, and the majority of those deaths are due to exposure to outdoor air pollution. In Vietnam, air pollution is one of the top five environmental causes of disease burden and premature death. The study objective is to calculate the disease burden associated with longterm exposure to PM2 5 in Hanoi.( )Methods(:) The study used mortality data, population data combined with a map of the average PM2 5 in 2019 by district in Hanoi. Global Exposure Mortality Model - GEMM was used on BENMAP-CE software to estimate the study results.Results(:) In 2019, the average concentration of PM25 in the gild cells ranged from 22.9 pg m3 to 39.5 p gm 3. The premature mortality rate among people over 25 years of age due to exposure to PM. was 35.5 100,000 population and contributed about 12% of all deaths among adults (25+) in Hanoi. The life expectancy lost due to premature death related to PM exposure was 908 days, or about 2.84 years of age reduction. The ratio of years of life lost was 992.5 years per 100,000 population.( )Conclusion(:) This Study indicates that Hanoi authorities need to take urgent measures to improve air quality and protect public health. In addition, it is urgent to develop a strategy to conduct studies to assess the long-term impacts of ambient air pollution on health in Vietnam as a whole., ( )