In pantun Melayu, pair of antonyms in the adjacent utterance has created opposition structure, which is an expression of opposition and has the function to link the pantun. There are three forms of expression including the opposites for direct, indirect and interim antonyms and are expressed as group of means as follows: for the direct antonym manifest meaning of those natural phenomena, social but mutually exclusive, do not coexist
the concept of space and time have opposite direction
the opposite of the quantity, quality, size, emotional status ... For indirect antonyms show the meaning of conflict actions. With interim atonyms includes antonym in the context or Melayu 's concept and thingking in the group of meaning with social concept or opposition groups in human society. Antonyms be fully exploited form of indirect meaning, direct meaning, antonym in context in order to express content with diverse and rich natural and Melayu society. The thoughts and views of the Melayu will be escorted and placed in opposition in pantun to help bringing the value of education and counselling.