Experiments were conducted to evaluate the effect of the addition of lactic fermentation product (Kulactic) into the piglet diets in the periods of 7 to 21 and 21 to 33 days old. The chemical composition and nutritional value of feed ingredients were analyzed, Brill software was used to set up 2 feed formula for control (no additional Kulactic) and treatment (additional Kulactic with dose of 50 kg/ton of feed) groups. The number of piglets used during 7 - 21 days of age and 21 - 33 days of age were 180 and 105 piglets in each control and treatement groups, respectively. The results showed: Additional Kulactic increased of average body weights of piglets at 21 and 33 days old 4.92 and 5.71 percent, respectively
increased average daily growth in two periods 8.04 and 27.43 percent, respectively
reduced diarrhea ratios in two periods 11.67 and 9.42 percent, respectively in comparition with no supplementation. For piglets of period 21 to 33 days of age, additional Kulactic increased daily feed intake, FCR decreased by 19.8 percent and lower feed cost 3,780 VND per kilo of increased body weight in comparision with no supplementation.