Genus Spinibarbus, Oshima, 1919 of subfamily Barbinae, family Cyprinidae, order Cyprinifonnes in Vietnam is very diversity. There are up to 10 species of genus Spinibarbus, in which 7 species was first discovered as a new species to science from specimens collected of the genus Spinibarbus. Recently, in the framework of the project "Highland Aquatic Resources Conservation and Sustainable Development (HighARCS project), there were 10 specimens of three new strange species of genus Spinibarbus collected from the Dakrong river, Dakrong district, Quang Tri province. These are three new fish species to science, was named Bulu S. hoenoti sp.n., Bong nguyen S. nguyenhuuduci sp.n. and Bong black fin S. nigJipinnis sp.n.. This article describes new fish species, morfological, color, distribution, biology, use value, compared to its close fish species and establish keys identification.