Three terminal hybrid boar combinations: Pietrain x Duroc (PiDu), Pietrain x Landrace (PiLR) and Duroc x Landrace (DuLR) were keeping at Thai Nguyen Center of Domestic Animal Breeding to evaluate on production abilities. The results showed that Growth ability of three hybrid boar combinations in period of 30 to 150 days of age was fairly high. The body weight in 5 months of age of PiDu, PiLR and DuLR were 97.23 kg, 95.08 kg and 95.98 kg, respectively (P0.05). The absolute growth reached 704.67 glday, 688.58 g/day and 694.58 glday in average
Intensive growth was kept stable and highest in PiDu, varied and lowest in PiLR. Feed consumption was similar in PiDu, PiLR and DuLR with 2.57, 2.53 and 2.66, respectively (P0.05).