The study was divided into 3 groups with 270 Luongphuong broiler chickens from 14-70 days of age. The control group was fed a basal diet (BO) having a metabolic energy (ME) level and the rate of crude protein (CP) based on nutrition standards. The experimental group 1 (exp 1) was fed a diet containing 2 percent and 4 percent Leucaena leaf meal at 2 periods of 14-42 and 43-70 days of age and has the same ME and CP as the control group. The experimental group 2 (exp 2) was fed a diet containing 2 percent and 4 percent basal diet instead of Leucaena leaf meal using the same two periods as above and without balanced ME and CP as control group. This is the difference between the method used for experimental group one and experimental group 2. The results showed that the method used for exp1 had more effect on broiler chicken than that of the method used for exp2. However, some main indexes of the group 2 were better than that of the control group. For example, the body weight at 70 days of age was higher than 3.7 percent and feed cost/1 kg body weight gain decreased 2.4 percent in comparison with that of control group. Beside that, the method used in experimental group 2 is easier to implement compared to the method used for experimental group 1.