In this study, three Taro strains investigated are Thorn (Lang Son), Ta Xua (Son La). Bao Yen (Lao Cai), Sap vang (Thanh Hoa). When in vitro plantlets were cultured in Murashige and Skoog liquid medium supplemented with 3percent - 8percent sucrose and 0.5 - 5 mgjL BAP, pH from 5.7 to 6, all of the stem explants formed corm medium supplemented 5 mg/L BAP increased corm formation, whereas 7 mg/L BAP or 9percent sucrose inhibited corm development. In vitro corms with an average fresh weight over 0.2 g were stored at 4°C and transplanted directly into soil after the period time of 3 - 6 months. 99 - 100percent in vitro corms sprouted and nurselings grew well into soil. This study indicated a new propagation method for preserving and revigorating the precious Taro strains feasibly and effectively.