Three field experiments were conducted in the Red River alluvial soil in Tam Hiep commune, Phuc Tho district and Ha Mo commune, Dan Phuong district, Hanoi city to study the accumulation of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in the rice plants under the effect of different fertilizer regimes. Experiment 1. Fond 1: Organic fertilizer 8 tons P60K30 kg/ha, Fond 1 + N60 kg/ha, Fond 1 + N90 kg/ha and Fond 1 + N120kg/ha
Experiment 2. Fond 2: Organic fertilizer 8 tons N120K30 kg/ha, Fond 2 + P30 kg/ha, Fond 2 + P60 kg/ha and Fond 2 + P90 kg/ha
Experiment 3. Fond 3: Organic fertilizer 8 tons N120P60 kg/ha, Fond 3 + K30 kg/ha and Fond 3 + K60 kg/ha. The result of the research shows that: Absorption and accumulation of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in rice plants depend on the concentration of these elements in the nutritional medium. The higher the concentration in the nutritional medium is, the higher are the absorption and accumulation in the rice plants are
In rice plants, nitrogen and phosphorus mainly concentrate in the seeds, whereas tfte amount of potassium in the grain is lower than that in the body, leaves and roots
The rice plant takes 21 kg N, 3.06 kg P and 25,75 kg K from the soil to form a ton of grain and second products.