Nematode community in the Can Gio mangrove swamp, Ho Chi Minh city was investigated in the wet season 2010 and dry season 2011. Samplings were collected infour different types of habitat: original mangrove swamp, water network as channel in the mangrove, wild land, and the beach. The results shown 114 genera of 31 family, 9 borders including Enoplida, Trefusiida, Chromadorida, Desmodorida, Desmocolecida, Plectida, Monhysterida, Rhabditida va Araeolaimida belonging to 2 classes: Enoplea and Chromadorea. The results also shown the differences in the structure of nematode community, number of genera, densities and diversity between dry season and wet season among the four types of habitat.