The study aimed at establishing the prevalence bf infection by Salmonella enteritidis and Salmonella typhimurium (the main human intoxication agents) in the waterfowl flocks and was conducted in Hau Giang province from March to November 2011. As a result, the examination of 298 samples (58 from carcass, 102 from eggs, 138 from feces) indicated that 19.13 percent of the warefowls were infected by Salmonella sp.
in particular duck: 17.43 percent
Muskovy ducks: 23.44 percent and geese: 25 percent. The positiveness in Salmonella sp. of the samples (carcass, feces, egg shell and egg yolk) were 32.76 percent, 21.01 percent,13.73 percent and 0.13 percent, respectively. The S. enteritidis was found only in carcass (3.45 percent) and in feces (0.72 percent). The S. typhimurium was not found in this study.