The aim of the study was to search for clinical parameters useful in predicting the efficacy of argon plasma coagulation (APC) and to assess the outcome and safety of this technique in the management of gastric and colorectal polyp remnants after polypectomy. Results show that pathologic examination revealed 38 hyperplastic polyps and 46 tubular adenomas of the stomach. Effective destruction of polyp remnants was achieved in 110 (98.21 percent) gastric polyps. Among colonic polyps there were: 92 hyperplastic, 135 tubular, 51 tubulo-villous, 17 villous. .Effective diestruction of remnanl polyp tissue was optained in 289 (97.96 percent) polyps. Sjgnificant positive cor-relation was demonstrated between the power output, and size of gastric polyp (r = 0.919), colorectal polyps (r = 0.778). Bleeding in 15 cases were successfule endoscopic hemostasis. 2 cases perforation. The adenoma recurrence rate was 0 percent in polyp of gastric (n = 56) and 10.52 percent in colorectal polyp (n = 76) during follow-up period of 6 months. Thus, APC is an effective, safe method and minimally invasive therapy and more effective for the management of polyp remnants in the stomach and colon compared with traditional endoscopy therapy.