The study was carried out to determine the value of synovial fluid examination for joint tuberculous diagnosed. The results show that, 38 patients with joint tuberculous with mean age 41.5 + or - 12.7, disease duration 7.2 + or - 3.8 months. There were 47.3 percent patients with knee tuberculosis, 26.3 percent patients with ankle tuberculosis. Synovial fluid analysis for tuberculous diagnosed positive in 100 percent hystopathological stain, 15.8 percent cytology smear, 24 percent Ziehl-Neelsen stain and 76.3 percent PCR analysis. There was negative 100 percent with method bacteria culture. In conclusion, synovial fluid analysis (PCR, cytology, hystopathological, Ziehl-Neelsen stain) have an inportance role in diagnosed and early diagnosed joint tuberculous, but indentification of bacteria culture.