Health care policy processes in developing countries are less robust than desired. This study focuses on two particular issues. The Know-Do gap is well-known, and this study will seek to understand its causes. The complex interplay between different influences on the policy process was limited in current study, given that previous research has often focused on single issues such as quality of care, or human resources. The research project aims to describe policy process of the Law on Domestic violence prevention and control in Vietnam from the initial stage to the end as well as to analyse related determinants such ascivil society, human resources, service delivery and the wider health system. The study was adopted the qualitative research method: interviews the key respondents with mapping and reviewing documents on the related policy areas. Health policy process from the agenda setting, development until its implementation was detailed. Moreover, the research also showed the complex interplay of four determinants of health policy processes: civil society, human resources, service delivery and the wider health system. The result pointed out that the civil society came into prominent position in the policy process.