The authors have determined the characteristics full-thickness skin graft and evaluate results and recommendations specify the use of full-thickness skin graft taken from the buttock line folds. Results show that microscopic characteristics: Buttock skin folds thickness line is 1811.64 + or - 199.5458 um, in which: The epidermis: 145.68 + or - 54.2972 um, vacuum packaging layer: 1654.86 + or - 214.9958 um. Lower packaging: very thick, composed of large lobules of fat, less connective tissue. Characteristics used: The area of large pieces of skin grafting: a maximum of 230 cm2/a buttock. Scarring around the beautiful pieces, no keloids, color similar to skin grafts many parts of the body, little trace of pigmentation. The results far: good results: 10/13 (77 percent) pieces of skin grafting. Average result: 3/13 (23 percent) piece of skin grafting. No piece of any of inferior quality leather. In conclusion, skin of the buttok line folds have a good quality for a full-thickness skin graft and the morbility of donor-site is considerated minimum.