Study of 4 major coagulation tests before operation for 876 patients with urgent operation in Viet-Duc hospital (1-2/2011), age: 5-87, including 57.6 percent trauma, 42.4 percent non-trauma, 65 percent male, 35 percent female. There are 16.3 percent cases anemiea, 5,7 percent cases platetet count decreased (100G/l), 10 percent cases of prolonged PT, 2 percent cases prolonged APTT (rAPTT 1.3), 4.9 percent cases of fibrinogen decreased 100g/l. 42.6 percent cases of anemia have hemostasis disorders. 42 percent cases with abnormal hemostasis were transfused red blood cells (RBC), 13 percent cases transfused FFP and RBC, no cas transfused platetets.