DREBl/CBFs and DREB2s are transcription factors that specifically interact with a cis-acting element, DRE/CRT, which is involved in the expression o.f genes responsive to drought, high-salt and cold stress. Many DREB transcription factors, including OsDRE2A (rice), ZmDREB2A (maize), DREB2ACA (& Arabidopsis)... have been cloned and proved to play an important role in drought and high-salt stress in plant. In this study, a gene encoding Zea mays transcription factor ZmDREB2A were isolated from Zea mays drought cDNA library and constructed expression vectors containing ZmDREB2A for transformation approach. As a result, a coding sequence of 954 bp coding 318 amino acid was amplified and cloned into plant expression vector and expressed under the control of Uquibitin promoter and Lip promoter. 'This is initial and background data for studies of expression of ZmDREB2A in plant transformation forwarding to the development of plant drought and heat shock resistance lines.