Initiating flower of Binh Khe early lychee variety from 10-25 December and blooming from 5-10 February. Inflorescence of Binh Khe early lychee variety is large with many flowers, but percentage of female and hennaphroditic flowers are very low ana flowering non-synchronized, first male and then female reduced pollinating and fertilizing ability of flowers. This is also reason why the fruit-set percentage and yield of Binh Khe early lychee variety low. Spraying 3,5,6 TPA 30 ppm and GA3 50 ppm regulator separately or mixed after 10 days flowering finished increasing fruit-set and yield. Percentage of fruit-set gained from 6.1 7.0 percent and yield obtained from 50.4 - 61.8 kg/tree, equivalent 17.6 - 21.6 ton/ha, compared with the control is 5.5 percent of fruit-set and 46.6 kg/tree, equivalent 16.3 ton/ha of yield. Spraying 3,5,6 TPA 30 ppm and GA3 50 ppm regulator separately or mixed after 10 days flowering finished also increasing fruit size and reducing seed weight therefore increasing the edible percentage significantly and some biochemistry component such as: sugar total, dry matter... However, seed weight is not reducing when spraying only GA3 and fruit size is not increasing when only spraying 3,5,6 TPA.