Identification of the proprietary variety in agriculture is an great important work in plant breeding and in authorize protection. To recognize the new variety, it was required to test the distinctness, the uniformity, and the stability (DUS testing). Many varieties of the different authors but having similarity in almost agronomic traits. When these varieties were brought to DUS testing, it was very difficult to jugde in an exactly words. To deal with this fact problem, development of the specific molercular markers assited for evaluate the distinctness, the unifonnity, and the stability was became very urgent. Total of 412 markers were used, which included 256 SSR markers contributed along the 12 chromosomes and 156 InDel markers. The 256 markers were selected from map of several genes like brown planthopper, bacterial blight resistance, salinity, submergence, alluminium, zinc, drought tolerances... The 156 InDel markers weredesigned from the different sequencing infonnation comparision of insertion/deletion mutants between the genom of Indica 93-11 and japonica Nipponbare varieties. Evaluation of 412 markers based on 260 rice varieties resulted in setting up a specific markers asisted for assess the distinctness, the unifonnity, and the stability (DUS testing) on rice in Vietnam.