Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) is one of the most important oil-seed crops in Vietnam. The present study was carried out on symptomatology, and molecular detection and identification of phyllody of sesame in some sesame-growing regions of Hanoi. The rate of incidence was about 2.3 up to 71.4 percent causing severe losses in yield. The typical symptom of phyllody disease of sesame are floral virescence, phyllody, and proliferation. Pleomorphic bodies (phytoplasma structures) were observed in phloem sieve elements in diseased plants using transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Amplification of a phytopalsma characteristic 1100-bp 16S rDNA fragment confirmed that sesame was infected by a phytoplasma. The RFLP profiling, sequencing and phylogenetic tree analysis showing that the associated phytoplasma had the greatest homology to 16Srll group phytoplasma. This is the first report on the molecular detection and identification of a phytoplasma associated with sesame phyllody disease in Hanoi, Vietnam.