The research on population development of the panicle rice mite, Steneotarsonemus spinki Smiley (PRM) on some rearing condition was conducted in the laboratory of Entomology, Hanoi University of Agriculture, Vietnam in 2010-2011. The results showed that, among different parts such as stem internode, leaf vein, leaf sheath, flower, seed 10 day and seed 20 day old of the rice plant, the population of PRM in the internode was highest. In the internode, the PRM population increased very fast and reached 169.3-191.8 times higher than its population at the beginning and it was 10.96 time higher than the result of Liang (1980) reared on the sheath with some antioxydants and fungicides: benomyl. streptomycin. benzyladenine, kinetin, cycloheximide. The best stage of internode for rearing PRM was 7 day after flowering. At such condition one labour could produce 2.0 million PRM in a month. Rearing into the internode of 5 rice varieties (Khang dan 18. TH 33, Bac thom, BC 15, DS 1), PRM population density was highest on Khang dan 18, at 20th day, the population density increased by 71.89 times meanwhile on DS1 was only by 21.05 times.