The biological control of plant pathogens by antagonistic microorganisms offers an attractive alternative to existing pest management strategies. BCF preparations were capable of strongly inhibiting the growth of fungal strains Rhizoctonia solani and Fusarium oxysporum after 5 days of testing in laboratory conditions (99 percent and 86 percent). Initial tests on maize and soybean in a greenhouse and field showed that BCF preparations at the concentration of 2 percent could inhibit the growth and development of R. solani and F. oxysporum. In greenhouse conditions, BCF preparations at the concentration of 2 percent after irrigation 2 times before and after artificial infection for 10 days, the pathogenicity (prevalence of dry and mottled, yellow wilt) on maize and beans was effectively reduced by 13 percent and 26.6 percent in comparison to the infected plants without using BCF. The BCF preparations also inhibited mycelial growth of tested fungi and involved in competition for rhizosphere nutrients. BCF preparations significantly reduced the damage efficiency of R. solani and F. oxysporum on maize and soybean plants in field.